Mt. Helena Ridge and Wakina Sky Loop
Locals who want a long adventure like to combine Mt. Helena Ridge Trail with the Wakina Sky area. From Dump Gulch Trailhead, climb McKelvey Trail
Locals who want a long adventure like to combine Mt. Helena Ridge Trail with the Wakina Sky area. From Dump Gulch Trailhead, climb McKelvey Trail
This loop is a classic climb to the summit of Mt. Helena. From the trailhead, 1906 Trail is the least strenuous ascent to the peak
This classic ridge trail is a National Recreation Trail with expansive views. From the trailhead, climb steeply to the ridge and then head north towards
Land Trust Partners with Military to Protect Westside Open Space Prickly Pear Land Trust purchased this 84-acre property on the west side of Helena with
Le Grande Cannon is a flat, road-grade trail with views of the Helena Valley. It’s a great walk with a stroller and the only South
Prickly Pear Land Trust recognizes that the lands we conserve are the traditional and contemporary territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfeet), the Sélish (Salish), the Ktunaxa (Kootenai), the Métis (Little Shell Chippewa), the Apsáalooke (Crow), and the Shoshone-Bannock peoples. The Indigenous Nations who continue their connections with this ground, these waters, and all creatures have always and will always be the original stewards of the land. PPLT prioritizes Indigenous partners and actively seeks projects that respect their cultures, honor their values, and create a collaborative conservation vision.