West Point

Westpoint landscape helena parks and trails prickly pear land trust

Land Trust Partners with Military to Protect Westside Open Space

Prickly Pear Land Trust purchased this 84-acre property on the west side of Helena with the support of the National Guard. Fort Harrison was motivated to protect this open space because of its proximity to the military’s training operations. Nicknamed “West Point” in a grateful nod to our partners, the property is a steep hillside covered in native grasses with a handful of knobs and meadows and several healthy stands of ponderosa.

Future Parkland Promotes Public Access and Wildfire Readiness

West Point provides many benefits to the community – wildfire buffer, wildlife habitat, and future public access. Prickly Pear plans to donate the land to the City of Helena Open Space program to be managed as a part of Mount Helena City Park. The Montana Fish Wildlife Conservation Trust also helped to fund this project.

Project Facts


84 acres


Ponderosa forest
Native grasslands
Mount Helena views

Key Wildlife

Whitetail and mule deer


Open space
Public access
Wildfire readiness

Year Completed

Open Views Blog

South Hills recreator helena parks and trails prickly pear land trust

Happy Trails or Twisted Paths?

Friends Tim Davis, Dave Stergar, and Mary Hollow, executive director of PPLT, wrap up the evening with smiles.

Harvest Moon Magic

Chainsaw work on trail

Landmark Trail Season Near The Continental Divide