SUPPORT » Planned Giving
Planned Giving
Planned gifts help Prickly Pear Land Trust meet the growing demand for conservation, recreation, and education, so that every Montanan can enjoy trails and open space.

Leave a Legacy
With the help and support of our neighbors, farmers and ranchers, volunteers, and trail lovers, Prickly Pear Land Trust has helped make conservation a household value in our corner of Montana. Your planned gift will ensure that future generations can work the land, enjoy open spaces, wonder at nature, and give back to the places they love.
There are many ways to make a planned gift to Prickly Pear Land Trust. Please reach out to us for more information. We’re here to help you leave a legacy that benefits you, your loved ones, and future generations. If you have included Prickly Pear Land Trust in your estate plans, please let us know. We would love to record your generous gift, understand your wishes, and thank you properly.
The Montana charitable endowment tax credit provides individuals and businesses a credit against state income tax liability of 40% of the value of any planned gift to the endowment of a Montana charity.
Wills and Bequests
Include Prickly Pear Land Trust in your will by allocating a specific amount or percentage of your estate to PPLT. You may also specify that the remaining funds will go to PPLT after your beneficiaries have been provided for. Prickly Pear Land Trust is a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, so any bequest you make will be 100% deductible, thus reducing the size of your taxable estate.
Legal Designation and Sample Wording
“I hereby give and bequeath [amount or percentage of your estate, residuary share, or other assets] to Prickly Pear Land Trust, 40 W. Lawrence, Suite A, Helena, MT 59601, for general purposes.”
Tax ID number: 81-0506868
Retirement Plans
You can leave all or a portion of your retirement plan to Prickly Pear Land Trust. Designate PPLT as the beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan. Beneficiary designations can be changed or revoked without penalty, and your regular lifetime withdrawals will not be affected. A retirement plan designation avoids the double taxation your retirement savings would incur if left to your heirs.
Life Insurance
Gifts of life insurance enable you to make a gift by transferring ownership of a new or existing policy to Prickly Pear Land Trust. The process to set this up is simple and inexpensive. The gift is valued at the cash surrender of the policy.
Charitable Trusts
A charitable lead trust pays income to Prickly Pear Land Trust for a period of time. At the end of the term, the remainder is returned to either you or your heirs. A charitable remainder trust pays income to a designee until a specified date, and then the remaining assets are paid to Prickly Pear Land Trust.
Charitable Gift Annuities
In exchange for a gift of cash, securities, or real estate, Prickly Pear Land Trust can pay you or your beneficiary an annuity. The annuity can be immediate or deferred and can provide substantial income and estate tax benefits.

Impact Report
Big land. Big sky. Big impact.
In the last five years, Prickly Pear Land Trust permanently protected 15,840 acres, created two community parks, signed three trail easements, and launched a transformative outdoor education program.
Read all about it in our 2024-2024 Impact Report. Coming soon!
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