Switchback Ridge

Switchback Ridge

Get ready for an adventure where every twist and turn offers something new! This trail is a perfect day hike or mountain bike ride just outside of Helena. Featuring forested switchbacks, open meadows, and stunning ridgeline views, the Switchback Ridge Trail connects Tenmile Creek and Rimini to the Continental Divide Trail. This trail provides a lot of variety for mountain biking, with sections of loose rocks and sharp switchbacks. Overnight visitors enjoy camping on the meadows near the Continental Divide. Whether you’re chasing the thrill of a ride or soaking in the scenery, visit Switchback Ridge to explore the Helena-Lewis & Clark National Forest.


In 2024, Prickly Pear Land Trust partnered with the Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest and Montana Conservation Corps to tackle years of deferred maintenance on the Switchback Ridge Trail. PPLT and MCC crews cleared miles of heavy blowdown and hazard trees over twelve weeks. Switchback Ridge is the first project in a multiyear effort by these partners to connect Helena’s South Hills with the Continental Divide. PPLT’s growing trails program promises to bring public access and recreation to more people across the region. It’s a win-win for trail lovers and the future of conservation in Montana. 


  • Leave no trace.
  • Tread lightly.
  • Be bear aware.
  • E-bikes are not allowed.

For more information, visit fs.usda.gov/main/hlcnf/learning/safety-ethics

Questions or comments? Contact the Helena Ranger District at 406-449-5490.

Project Facts


3 miles


Tenmile Creek
Views of Black Mountain, Colorado Mountain, and Red Mountain
Continental Divide Trail
Open meadows
Spruce-fir forests


Horseback riding


Switchback Ridge Trail



Open Views Blog

South Hills recreator helena parks and trails prickly pear land trust

Happy Trails or Twisted Paths?

Friends Tim Davis, Dave Stergar, and Mary Hollow, executive director of PPLT, wrap up the evening with smiles.

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