Running in a winter wonderland!

'Everyone ran really well today in really tough conditions'

More Snails joined us this week for our fifth run of the year! We had a total of 13 runners. As a reminder — it’s never too late to join the Snails.

The snow was soft and deep on the trails, but previous trail users had packed it down to make it not completely miserable.

“Everyone ran really well today in really tough conditions,” said Happy Snails leader Martin Miller. “That loose snow sucks the energy out of every step.”

The group started at the Old Shooting Range Trailhead parking area and then headed up the Archery Range Trail, took a right on Easy Rider and then looped back around to Archery Range before heading back to where we started. We ran a total of 3.28 miles with an elevation gain of 512 feet.

“A lot of ultrarunners use the mantra ‘Relentless Forward Motion’ (RFM); regardless of pace, we just keep moving forward to the finish line,” Martin said. “We Happy Snails have that in common. Even though we all run at our own pace, we maintain that RFM to get ‘er done.”

Saturday Run! There will be a Happy Snails run this Saturday at 9 a.m. Meet at the Waterline Trailhead parking area. There could be lots of snow!

Happy Snails!
